Neo - Voicebanks under the "neo" moniker are Major Updates to previous voicebanks that feature a complete re-recording of the voicebank samples, new features and new pitches.
1.x - A voicebank's 1.x version code denotes that it is a Minor Update of its core append. This features new extras, oto.ini fixes and fixes to samples with issues. The voicebank is not re-recorded on the whole.
Note: The 1.x version of a VB is not specified on this website. It is only used on VB downloads and release videos so as to make file management easier for those who downloaded previous versions of a VB.
Roman Numerals (ex: II) - Roman numerals denote a Major Update that does not feature a complete re-recording of a voicebank's core. This features new pitches, extras, or expressions that are too major to fit under the "1.x" label, but do not belong under the "Neo" label due to NOT being completely new voicebanks meant to supplant a previous VB. They're still the same VB as before, just with a LOT more.

Firm, pointed, bold
BANK TYPE - VCV Multipitch (A3/C4/F4/A4/C5)
EXTRAS - Glottal stops, vocal fry, various beginning and end breath options, trilled Rs, English consonants, fu/hu distinction, and an art folder.
SCORPION neo is a mature and androgynous power/solid voicebank that becomes slightly more feminine sounding in its upper register. The bank is quite flexible, lending itself well to a variety of genres and tuning styles, and as a result is fairly easy to use. This is a good choice if you're looking for a fairly reliable voicebank with a strong tone that can easily be molded to fit a particular piece by way of flags.

Feminine, demure, gentle
BANK TYPE - VCV Multipitch (A3/C4/F4/A4/C5/E5_F)
EXTRAS - E5 falsetto toggle, glottal stops, vocal fry, various beginning and end breath options, trilled Rs, English consonants, fu/hu distinction, and an art folder.
RECLUSE neo is a cute and airy sweet voicebank with a falsetto-ey and light tone. The bank is highly flexible and quite easy to use. She's a little more mature sounding than the traditional "sweet" or "cute" vocal, allowing her to pull off those kinds of songs without being overbearing. Despite its airy tone, this voicebank's pronunciation is clean and clear.

Versatile, expressive, clear
BANK TYPE - VCCV English Multipitch-Multiexpression (A3/D4/F4, Power, Sweet, Whisper, Dark)
RANGE - E2 ~ A5 (Power), B2 ~ C6 (Sweet), C4 ~ E5 (Whisper), E2 ~ D5 (Dark)
EXTRAS - Beginning and end breaths, glottal stops, vocal fries, Canadian raising, full VV transitions, syllabic Ls, ng blends, custom OpenUTAU dictionary, alternate oto options aliased in Arpabet and X-SAMPA, literally being a 12-pitch English voicebank, an art folder.
TARANTULA II is a multiexpression VCCV English voicebank. While it does have a bit of a learning curve, it's a powerful voicebank in the toolbox of any UTAU user, capable of changing vocal colour on a dime to add texture or emotion to any song, and allowing Arachne to sing in a wide variety of genres.

Dramatic, brooding, mournful
BANK TYPE - VCV Multipitch (A3/D4/F4)
EXTRAS - Glottal stops, vocal fry, various beginning and end breath options, trilled Rs, English consonants, fu/hu distinction, and an art folder.
WIDOW is a mature, dark voicebank. Its vowels are more rounded, and its lower range is fairly gentle, but it does have a decent amount of power in its upper register. This voicebank's timbre is a bit richer than the other appends, allowing for subtle tuning to shine through just as well as more dynamic tuning.

Light, breathy, reserved
BANK TYPE - VCV Multipitch (A3/D4/F4)
EXTRAS - Glottal stops, vocal fry, various beginning and end breath options, trilled Rs, English consonants, fu/hu distinction, and an art folder.
SALTICIDAE is a neutrally-toned whisper voicebank. It's not particularly bright or dark sounding, allowing the voicebank to serve as a blank slate and slot into most softer songs pretty easily. The voicebank is incredibly responsive to tuning, and can, in certain contexts, sound human without any tuning at all. The voicebank is also fairly easy to mix.

Vivid, energetic, bright
BANK TYPE - VCV Multipitch (A3/D4/F4/B4)
EXTRAS - Glottal stops, vocal fry, various beginning and end breath options, trilled Rs, English consonants, fu/hu distinction, and an art folder.
SOLPUGID is a nasally "bright" power vocal. It has a bit of an "annoyed" or "bratty" quality to it, meaning that while you do have to meet the voicebank where it's at with song choices, it's full of personality. This voicebank is very heavily accented, as its recording process was to see what would happen if a Japanese voicebank were recorded using French nasal vowels. This voicebank is very responsive to tuning.