Welcome 2 my twisted mind
Hi, I'm Gen, thanks for visiting my website! I'm a 22 year old college student from Canada. I'm studying computer networks and cybersecurity. This website is mostly dedicated to my interests, particularly voice synthesis. Here, you'll find my UTAU voicebanks, vsynth project files, commissions, and whatever else.
I voice and manage the UTAU/Virtual Singer known as Arachne, and all her voicebanks are available here, as well as information on her character! If you'd like to use UTAU, but don't know where to start, I'd highly reccomend reading this tutorial by my friend JOEZCafe, who breaks everything down very well. If you're using Arachne's English voicebank, you should check out PaintedCz's tutorials on VCCV English!
Other than vocal synthesis, I'm pretty interested in record collecting, video games (especially RPGs and roguelikes), reading, tea, cooking, music history, and creative writing. I have a blog here and may post on it occasionally, and you should find information on my oto.ini and vsynth-related commissions.
Check out my latest cover!
i love webbed sites <3
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The Large Blue butterfly is a species of carnivorous butterfly, and went extinct in Britain in 1979. It has since been reintroduced with new conservation methods.
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